Egg less cakes recipe from iCakes

Special occasions celebration, like birthdays, school parties, etc… are a real struggle for people with food allergies. In my opinion, egg allergy is one of the most difficult food allergies to live with because eggs are hidden ingredients in so many foodstuffs.

Celebrating through food is a big part of our culture.

Who could imagine a birthday party without a cake or cupcakes?

So, when my daughter was diagnosed with egg allergy when she was 1-year-old I promised myself that she would never feel left out because of her condition. And so, my adventure of cooking without eggs started.

Have been a LONG journey! But today, I finally feel that I have the perfect Eggless Vanilla Cake Recipe.

I really like this Vanilla Cake’s sweet buttery flavor and light and moist texture.
I know how hard it is to have a little one with food restrictions, especially when it comes to special occasions. That being said, I truly hope this recipe helps you light up any special celebrations.

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